Bryan Jick MD

Bryan S. Jick MD, FACOG, MSCP


"Keeping up with the science of medicine, particularly women's health, requires constant effort. I have taken and continue to take many hours of continuing medical education and have been recognized for this by both the AMA and ACOG. The art of medicine is caring for patients, communicating with them, informing them of their options so as to offer the best of medical science without overwhelming them. This is the true challenge of my profession. To balance both the art and the science of medicine is what it means to me to be a good doctor."

  • Medical License: California, since 1985. License: G55140.
  • Board-Certified: American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology, since 1990
  • MSCP: "Menopause Society Certified Practitioner" since 10/21.
  • [Dr. Jick has transitioned his practice to gynecology only.]


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Dr. Jick available as a Speaker

Dr. Bryan Jick is available as a physician speaker. He has developed an informative, uplifting and light-hearted presentation about menopause, lasting from 30 to 45 minutes or longer depending on questions from the audience, and there will be questions!

Click here for his speaker request form.